Learn Moral Hacking and Entrance Testing Free Video Course

What you will gain from this Course:

Infiltration Testing
Moral Hacking
Better Practices For Organization Security
Course happy:

Module 1 - Setting up the Lap
Module 2 - Data Get-together
Module 3 - Weakness Examination
Module 4 - Web Vulnerability,Recon,AQL, Infusion and Data set Double-dealing
Module 5 - Secret word Breaking
Module 6 - Wifi Hacking
Module 7 - Metasploit and Amitage
Module 8 - Encryption and Namelessness
Module 9 - Virtual Confidential Servers


Ethical hacking and penetration testing are critical components of modern cybersecurity. As the number of cyber threats increases, it's essential for businesses to have professionals who can identify and fix vulnerabilities in their systems. In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know to get started with ethical hacking and penetration testing. We'll discuss the different types of ethical hacking, the tools and techniques used in penetration testing, and the skills and certifications you'll need to pursue a career in this field.

Chapter 1: Understanding Ethical Hacking

In this chapter, we'll define what ethical hacking is and why it's important. We'll cover the different types of ethical hacking, such as white hat, black hat, and gray hat hacking. We'll also discuss the different phases of ethical hacking, such as reconnaissance, scanning, enumeration, and exploitation.

Chapter 2: Setting Up Your Hacking Lab

In this chapter, we'll walk you through the process of setting up your own hacking lab. We'll cover the different types of virtualization software you can use, such as VirtualBox and VMware. We'll also discuss the different operating systems you'll need, such as Kali Linux and Metasploitable.

Chapter 3: Networking Fundamentals

In this chapter, we'll cover the fundamentals of networking, which are essential for understanding how computer systems communicate with each other. We'll cover topics such as IP addresses, ports, protocols, and the OSI model.

Chapter 4: Information Gathering and Footprinting

In this chapter, we'll cover the initial phase of ethical hacking, which is information gathering and footprinting. We'll cover the different tools you can use, such as Nmap and Recon-ng, to gather information about a target system. We'll also discuss techniques such as social engineering and open-source intelligence (OSINT).

Chapter 5: Scanning and Enumeration

In this chapter, we'll cover the scanning and enumeration phase of ethical hacking. We'll cover the different tools you can use, such as Nessus and OpenVAS, to scan for vulnerabilities in a target system. We'll also discuss techniques such as banner grabbing and port scanning.

Chapter 6: Exploitation and Post-Exploitation

In this chapter, we'll cover the exploitation and post-exploitation phase of ethical hacking. We'll cover the different tools you can use, such as Metasploit and Empire, to exploit vulnerabilities in a target system. We'll also discuss techniques such as privilege escalation and lateral movement.

Chapter 7: Web Application Penetration Testing

In this chapter, we'll cover the specific techniques and tools used in web application penetration testing. We'll cover topics such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and file inclusion vulnerabilities. We'll also discuss the different tools you can use, such as Burp Suite and OWASP ZAP.

Chapter 8: Wireless Penetration Testing

In this chapter, we'll cover the specific techniques and tools used in wireless penetration testing. We'll cover topics such as wireless encryption, rogue access points, and deauthentication attacks. We'll also discuss the different tools you can use, such as Aircrack-ng and Reaver.

Chapter 9: Mobile Application Penetration Testing

In this chapter, we'll cover the specific techniques and tools used in mobile application penetration testing. We'll cover topics such as jailbreaking and rooting, reverse engineering, and binary analysis. We'll also discuss the different tools you can use, such as Frida and Apktool.

Chapter 10: Career Path and Certifications

In this chapter, we'll cover the different career paths available in ethical hacking and penetration testing. We'll also discuss the different certifications you can earn, such as the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) and the Offensive Security

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